Fatigue & How We Can Help

Understanding Fatigue and TMJ Disorders

TMJ Related Fatigue

Break the Cycle of Fatigue with Targeted TMJ Therapy

Fatigue, a common but often misunderstood symptom of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, can impact every aspect of daily life. When the TMJ is misaligned or under strain, the body must exert additional effort to perform even the simplest functions, such as chewing, speaking, and maintaining proper posture. This added strain often leads to an overwhelming sense of exhaustion, making daily tasks feel physically and mentally challenging. Fatigue related to TMJ issues may not immediately be associated with the jaw but can be a significant clue in diagnosing TMJ disorders.

Symptoms of Fatigue Related to TMJ

Patients experiencing TMJ-related fatigue often report symptoms beyond general tiredness. Persistent headaches, muscle tension, disrupted sleep, and difficulty concentrating are common complaints. Jaw pain and clicking, coupled with these symptoms, can further disrupt sleep patterns, leading to sleep deprivation and escalating the fatigue cycle. This form of fatigue can deeply affect a person’s overall well-being, diminishing energy levels, productivity, and emotional health.


TMJ Related Fatigue

Schedule a Consultation Today and Get the Relief You Need!

TMJ-Related Fatigue

Why Choose Us for Fatigue Relief?

We offer a comprehensive range of therapies tailored to alleviate jaw discomfort, correct misalignments, and restore balance within the body, ultimately helping to reduce fatigue. With state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and personalized treatment plans, we aim to help you regain control over your energy levels and quality of life.

With our expertise in TMJ and related sleep issues, we are uniquely positioned to provide lasting relief from fatigue and the associated discomfort. Our holistic approach ensures that each patient receives care that not only addresses pain but enhances overall well-being, making a profound difference in your journey to recovery.


    (775) 284-4161




    6190 Mae Anne Ave
    Reno, NV 89523

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